Whole Life Residential Program's own; Barb Chavers had a simple idea one day. She thought it would be a nice idea to get professional portraits of each of the two ladies that she serves so they would have one of their own and also share them with their families. So, Barb contacted another WLS employee; Jim Pitts, who happens to be a veteran professional photographer. After kicking the idea around, Barb thought that everyone who attends Whole Life just might enjoy having a professional photo taken and thus, the idea for "Picture Day" was born.
Jim got on board with the idea and (before you know it) a day was set, flyers went out and the buzz began. When the long-awaited day arrived, Barb (along with her helpers Arisha and Bernice) were surprised at what a great turn-out they had and how well everything went. For some, this was an experience that (perhaps) they have never had the opportunity to participate in before.

Barb, Arisha Heuston, and Bernice Kennedy took care of everyone's paperwork and orders, Paula Moore helped out by staging and posing everyone, while Gia Vogan helped with makeup and hair and Jim took the pictures. To top everything off, the WLS Residential department has come up with the idea of compiling a 'yearbook-like" book with everyone's pictures, (along with WLS staff) for a possible WLS fundraiser. Everyone had a great time and Barb and her crew would like to thank everyone who helped out and got their picture taken!