Pictured above, are all who attended the Prince of Peace 35th Anniversary dinner. Whole Life incubated a production company called "Get 2 Work" last year who was asked by Prince of Peace to create a documentary about their Organization and R.U.T.H. Program, which were featured at the dinner. Director, Geno Blair and members of his production crew attended. Lauren Tice is pictured in the film performing an interview. Roger Brown is an on-going actor in other videos. Nathan Tucker worked to prep an area at the center that became the set for filming. The crew was praised at the dinner for the work they did and it was such an honor to be trusted with this important task.
Everyone from the Prince of Peace was welcoming and kind to all who were involved. Our community is blessed to have The Prince of Peace, whose staff meets many needs and provides important services, and we enjoyed this wonderful evening with them.
-Photo by: Donna Young