Cindy Vogan, CEO of Whole Life Services Inc. was invited to attend a meeting at the Hope Center on Monday 7/2/18. She was there in her role as a Board Member of the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce. Cindy had the opportunity to thank Senator Casey for his work on legislation that advances employment opportunities, and community inclusion for the people we serve with ID/DD. She also stated she would welcome the opportunity to discuss how current regulations may be modified so they do not inhibit these outcomes, but rather increase the opportunity for success. The following Monday Cindy was able to meet with Representative Mark Longietti for a tour of the addition and expansion of our East State Street site. Mark played a key role in supporting Whole Life with the approval of our Affirmative Industry model.
These businesses, that are now privately owned and operated have provided (10) jobs paid

at the rate of $7.25 to $8.50 per hour, for individuals served by Whole Life. Involvement in the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce, an opportunity which was the result of support from Sherris Moreira, Executive Director of the SV Chamber, has greatly helped in attaining more community presence and opportunities for the people we serve.
Photos courtesy of: Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce