A little more than an hour before Whole Life Services' 1st ever BINGO Night was about to get underway, East State St. and many of downtown Sharon's streets were completely covered and flowing with water from the afternoon's heavy rains. Yet, this didn't keep faithful BINGO players from all over the Valley from showing up for an evening of fun and a chance to walk away with some cash.

The idea for BINGO Night was conceived by Whole Life's own Jocelyn Miller, Gia Vogan, & McKel Gordon as a new and creative fundraiser idea. "Being our 1st time, everything ran well, overall and went really well." Jocelyn Miller stated. The evening featured several types of games and chances to win, including 50/50 raffle, Queen of Hearts, Coverall BINGO, Horse race BINGO, and instant winning pull-off tickets. Jocelyn was the BINGO caller, but she said that "The Queen of Hearts was her favorite part of the evening, anticipating who would win each game". The queen of hearts did not show up until the last 5 cards of the game, making it a bit more exciting for everyone, intensifying the game up until the end.
Everyone had a great time and it was also fun for the kids who attended, who really got into it. The organizers received many compliments, along with the long list of volunteers that helped out. Gia Vogan said; "We had a wonderful turnout (with over 90 participants), we appreciate all of our sponsors, and plan on having the event again next year."Thank you to everyone who came out and supported WLS, while having fun doing it!
Story by: Mark Buchanan
Photos by: Laura Kahl & Stella Blair