Whole Life Services' Christmas Carolers will be providing live caroling at several different venues in December. You can check them out at the following places/times:
Wednesday December 18th
Nugent Skilled Care facility, Hermitage- 10:15 AM
Whispering Oaks, Hermitage- 11:15 AM
Thursday December 19th
Clepper Manor, Sharon- 10:00 AM
Hospitality Care Center, Hermitage- 11:00 AM
Zion Education Center, Farrell- 1:00 PM
Whole Life Services, Inc. (E State St. Location)- 2:00 PM
Friday December 20th
Sycamore Center, Hermitage- 10:00 AM
St. John XXIII, Hermitage- 11:00 AM
Whole Life Services, Inc. (Linden Pointe Location)- 12:00 PM