Employment Services

Whole Life Services encourages people who have a passion, and the desire to work, to pursue training, and develop skills, that are necessary to become employed. We believe that the best practice for the people we serve is for them to be involved in an everyday life by growing and evolving as all people do. While a person may choose to begin services in a facility based program, we will support them to transition to more time in the community, including being employed. We will help people accomplish this through a variety of services.
Small Group Employment
People are supported in working together, in an integrated setting, with non-disabled people, and are paid a competitive wage or better. Whole Life has supported people who now make $7.50 to $8.50 an hour. There is not a training wage even while people are learning, with the minimum wage being $7.25 to start. Doing this can help people learn skills and gain confidence, to then transition to Supported Employment.
Supported Employment
*Resume building, completing applications, and practicing interview skills
*Job Finding and Job Coaching at the work site
*Transportation to and from work
*We will educate people informally at the agency, or you may choose to be referred to a formal “Benefits Counseling” service. This is so you may learn that working does not mean you lose Social Security or medical benefits.
We practice person centered support so people can choose any one, or all of the above.
If you have an Entrepreneurial Spirit, and prefer to be your own boss, we will support you in pursuing your dream. That may result in merging with another private business owner. Whole Life has helped incubate and launch these businesses:
It’Sweet was a small self-started, informal business. Now It’Sweet is a division of Weber Catering. People have now been hired to work doing more duties in other services Weber provides.
Custom Tees now has a private business owner. Other private business owners now employ people who were formerly paid by Whole Life to clean and cut grass.