About Us
Whole Life Services, Inc. is dedicated to providing quality supports to people with disabilities and their families. We provide these supports in community-integrated settings, in their homes, and in non-traditional facility- based services.
People need to develop an AWARENESS of their ability to exercise choice and their CONFIDENCE in their ability to make choices
People need to feel SATISFACTION and FULFILLMENT in their lives
People need SUPPORTS in their struggle to feel EMPOWERED
Available Services & Supports:
Community Support Staff
Family Living
Residential Habilitation Aides
In-Home Support
Supported Living
Respite Care
Licensed Day Program
Community Employment
Job Coaching
Job Finding
Job Support
Self Employment
Therapeutic Pool
Transportation To Our Programs
The Values That Guide Whole Life Services, Inc.
We believe that human services should operate in congruence with a set of values about people they serve that are positive, clear, known and understood by both Board and Staff Members.
1. We believe that every person has the right to live in a home of his/ her choice and to have a role as a participating and accepted member of our community. Whole Life’s job is to do whatever is necessary to make that possible for individuals with developmental and cognitivedisabilities. We do not exclude or reject any person from our services
on the basis of type or extent of their disability or past history, unless we feel we would not be able to meet their needs and give them quality support. Each individual of Whole Life Services receives a combination of types and amounts of services based on their needs. These services are flexible and can be adjusted over time as needs
and preferences change.
2. All of us are capable of growth and development throughout life. We believe that people learn most readily when they have the daily opportunity to face challenges and experience the rewards of the environment to which they are trying to adjust. Whole Life Service’s role is to provide the type and level of support that individuals need
in order to engage in that learning process successfully within typical community environments. Whole Life Services is not a transitional or a readiness program. We do not see our purpose as moving the people we serve along through rigidly defined stages of increasing integration, autonomy or skill development. Instead, progress is measured in terms of a person’s growing competence, control and confidence in dealing with ordinary community setting and in terms of the increasing sophistication of his/her natural support system. Success means observable improvements in the quality of life experiences of the people we serve.
3. We believe that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) have a need, equal to that of any other citizen, to control their own lives, to manage their own affairs, to make their own decisions. It is our responsibility to help them gain more control and competence with things in their lives that are meaningful to them. We can do that by helping them to know and pursue their own choices, by providing support for them when they experience problems or make mistakes. Our person centered approach contrasts sharply with other agencies whose primary goal is to make the people they serve more self-sufficient by allowing professionals to identify deficiencies and prescribe corrective services. Our approach, of course, carries inherent risks, since many individuals have impaired judgment or communication, and/or limited experience on which to base decisions.
We will have to struggle to develop ways to ensure that we provide adequate levels of support and protection, determined on an individual basis, without discouraging or infringing on the person’s sense of autonomy and responsibility.
4. We believe that people with ID/DD have a need equal to that of any other citizen to feel accepted within the community, to be valued for their uniqueness and contributions, and to be able to participate in interactions, activities and mutually supportive relationships with a variety of people in a variety of environments. People with ID/DD have a right to a lifestyle which is similar to that of “typical” citizens. Whole Life Services will avoid or move away from practices that would segregate or stigmatize the people we serve. Careful attention must be given to the way we represent them, and our services, orally or in writing, in order to enhance their status and to break down negative perceptions. We have established community integration as a responsibility and priority of Whole Life Services and have challenged ourselves to develop competence at helping individuals form satisfying personal relationships and engage in ordinary social and leisure-time pursuits with non-disabled citizens.
5. We believe that family and friends are important resources for all of us. The people serve are encouraged and supported to establish and maintain good relationships with family and friends. Paid services are never a substitute for or of greater importance than these relationships.
6. It is our desire to provide services that are suitable for the individuals, one person at a time. Person Centered Planning will have “that person only” in mind when development begins and during the process to completion. Once the plan is developed “their” mold will be discarded never to be used by another.
7. The Staff of Whole Life Services will maintain a teachable spirit and remain open to the on-going process of change in our profession as guided by leaders in our field.